The accident, which occurred in daylight hours, followed an uneventful flight of returning holiday-makers, from Lanzarote, Spain, to Shannon Airport, Ireland, with the landing carried out on Runway (Rwy) 24. Weather conditions in the approach and landing area showed rain, strong winds and associated turbulence. On landing, the aircraft’s nose wheel assembly collapsed rearwards. The aircraft continued along most of the length of Rwy 24 on its nose, finally coming to a halt beyond taxiway Alpha. Alerted by ATC the Airport Police Fire Services (APFS) were quickly on the scene and monitored and assisted in the evacuation. There was no fire and the passengers and crew evacuated the aircraft using the front and rear right hand exit/entry doors escape slides. Eight passengers were removed to hospital in Limerick City for observation and treatment. None were detained overnight as a result of the accident.