Guidance Documentation

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Guidance Documentation

AAIU Guidance for Garda and Emergency Services
(Air Accident Investigation Unit)
Guidance for An Garda Síochána and the Emergency Services in the aftermath of an Aviation Accident.

Guidance on the Preparation For Investigations in Extreme and Challenging Environments (10/03/2017)
(European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Expert Group)
This guidance document prepared by ECAC, draws upon the personal experience of accident investigators to help the investigation community understand and manage the risks posed by challenging and extreme environments.

Guidance on the Underwater Location and Recovery of Aircraft Wreckage and Flight Recorders (10/03/2017)
(European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Expert Group)
This guidance document provides an overview of the issues peculiar to underwater location and recovery operations, and of the expertise, procedures and equipment needed to mount an effective response to such an accident. It is intended for use by all who might find it helpful, in Europe and beyond, and in particular of course by air accident investigation authorities who might at any moment find themselves faced with the task of investigating the loss of an aircraft in these very challenging circumstances.

Ballistic Devices - Advisory Guide for First Responders
(by kind permission of Cirrus Aircraft)
Advice and guidance related to potential risks of ballistic parachute systems.

Information Leaflets

Commercial Transport Aircraft: (25/02/2022) 
(Air Accident Investigation Unit)
An outline of the Investigation process relating to Accidents and Serious Incidents involving Commercial Air Transport.

General Aviation Aircraft:  (25/02/2022)
(Air Accident Investigation Unit)
An outline of the Investigation process relating to Accidents and Serious Incidents involving General Aviation Aircraft.

Guide to safety investigations for Air Accident Victims and their Relatives (10/03/2017)
(European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities (ENCASIA)) This leaflet is produced by (ENCASIA) for air accident victims and their relatives in order to facilitate their understanding of the role and the different phases of a safety investigation. This leaflet describes the main milestones of the investigation of accidents to commercial air transport aircraft that occur within Europe.