AAIU Participation in Foreign Investigations
A Foreign State has an International obligation to inform the AAIU of any aircraft accident or serious incident subject to an investigation in that State that concerns Ireland, as a specified State, and to invite its participation in that investigation.
The AAIU may participate in the foreign investigation in one of the following capacities:
- As the Irish Accredited Representative (ACCREP) representing Ireland as the State of Registry and / or State of the Operator. The AAIU will also be entitled to appoint an ACCREP even if it only provides, on request, information, facilities or experts to a State conducting an investigation.
- As an 'advisor' to the AAIU Inspector acting as the Irish ACCREP.
- As an 'expert' representing Ireland as a State having suffered fatalities or serious injuries to its citizens.
- As an 'observer' accompanying an AAIU Inspector acting as an ACCREP or assisting a foreign investigation directly when an Irish ACCREP is not entitled to be appointed.
The ACCREP participation can be achieved through a “Travelling ACCREP”, who will actually visit the occurrence site abroad, or through a “Non-Travelling ACCREP” who will remain in Ireland and provide assistance through correspondence.