Accident to Viscount 803 aircraft EI-AOF near Ashbourne, Co. Meath on 22nd June, 1967


A training flight for the purpose of conversion of Aer Lingus cadet pilots to Viscount aircraft departed Dublin Airport 0644 G.M.T., 22 June 1967, with I.F.R. clearance from Air Traffic Control for training flight in the sector north-west of Dublin  Airport.  The pilot-instructor said his intention was to spend two hours in this sector and then to practise circuits and landings at the airport for one hour.
The aircraft climbed to its assigned flight level and obtained two revised clearances, for higher levels, from A.T.C. at 0656 and 0707 G.M.T. Its last transmission to A.T.C. was an acknowledgement of the last clearance, at 0708  G.M.T.
At 0743  G.M.T.  a telephone call from Ashbourne post office informed A.T.C. that  an aeroplane had crashed two miles north  of Ashbourne. Immediate radio-telephone calls were made to EI-AOF, without  response; and  full  emergency procedures  were initiated. Another Viscount training flight practising circuits at the airport was despatched at 0746 G.M.T. to make a search. The pilot sighted the wreckage of EI-AOF  at 0751  and information  on its  position  was  given to the airport  Fire Service.
Eye-witnesses stated  that EI-AOF  had hit the ground in a nearly-vertical attitude after diving from comparatively level flight at a low altitude and that violent fire and several explosions followed impact.
The three occupants-a  training  captain  and two cadet pilots-were killed at impact.
Occurrence Date: July 22, 1967
Report Date: June 14, 1968
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