The aircraft was operating a scheduled passenger flight from Dublin to Sligo. The flight departed Dublin Airport (EIDW) at 16.05 hrs and carried out a Non-Directional Beacon/Distance Measuring Equipment (NDB/DME) approach to Runway (RWY) 11 at Sligo Airport. The aircraft, according to the pilots and eyewitnesses, carried out a lower and faster approach than normal, due to gusty wind conditions, and touched down further along the runway than normal i.e. almost halfway down the runway. The aircraft skidded along the runway and off at its end, coming to a halt with the nose section of the aircraft in the sea, with the main wheels resting on the edge of the embankment leading to the sea. The passengers and crew evacuated through the rear portside passenger door, down fire service ladders, and were bussed to the terminal building. There was no aircraft fire or reported injuries. The accident occurred at evening twilight.